You should definitely not pursue anyone that doesn’t seem to be appreciative of you and don’t you ever, ever think if someone wants you to be anything other than you are they’re right and you should change. Now that I’m older I’m naturally drawn to more domestic/safer/undramatic pairings but at the same time I’m aware that GG was a teen drama with plenty of screwed up, problematic, insane dynamics and relationships and there’s really no point in looking for any sense into any of them, you know? The point of drama is to watch crazy stuff that hopefully won’t happen to you. I was already tired of Chuck and Blair by early season 4 but I kept rooting for their endgame out of habit and because no alternative was convincing to me. Sorry for the rant i just have nowhere else to share my feelings :)
I have watched a multitude of tv shows and movies in my life but blair and chucks relationship was really the only thing i’ve not been able to separate myself from, and i wish i could because i often find myself avoiding people that genuinely like me and who i could have a simple nice relationship with for people who i know are incredibly toxic and have used me just because i want what blair and chuck had.

(totally on me btw not blaming the show or the writers.) i feel like my yearn to have something like what they had has plagued my idea of what a healthy loving relationship should really look like now. now i understand why i shouldn’t have looked up to them as much as i did but i still cant help feeling like i still do.

re watching it i still absolutely adore the love they have for each other but i can see just now see how terrible and sometimes dangerous it was. i idolised the relationship so much and would genuinely get upset thinking about how i would never have the type of love that they have. i didn’t care if it was toxic, neigh i almost wanted it to be toxic. i always wanted a great epic love that they would talk about, something that would always work out against all odds. I remember i used to really really romanticise what blair and chuck had. especially with my opinion on blair and chucks relationship. I finally caved in and re watched the series again after maybe 3 years and i know it doesn’t seem like that long but i can really see how my opinions on things have changed since first watching it.